Crappy Children's Books: A New Crunch Time Parents Video Series
/Michael Chabon’s Awesome Man is….not so awesome.
Why this series? Because we’re reading a lot of kids’ books lately, sometimes to our own kids (currently 3 and 5 years old), and sometimes to other people’s kids. Or we’re browsing in the children’s section at the bookstore or library, and we come across a book that makes us go: “No.” And: “How did this ever make it to print?” Sometimes the reason is simple: The author is already famous and now gets to publish pretty much whatever he/she wants.
Without further ado, here’s the first installment in our series, Today in Crappy Children’s Books, in which we (i.e. my husband) will take a look at The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man by Michael Chabon. Check it out on Crunch Time Parents’ Facebook page , and please Like the page for updates on upcoming videos.