Word Meds for Winter's Home Stretch


"The shortest day has passed, and whatever nastiness of weather we may look forward to in January and February, at least we notice that the days are getting longer.  Minute by minute they lengthen out.  It takes some weeks before we become aware of the change.  It is imperceptible even as the growth of a child, as you watch it day by day, until the moment comes when with a start of delighted surprise we realize that we can stay out of doors in a twilight lasting for another quarter of a precious hour."-  Vita Sackville-West

That moment is coming. Really it is. Hard to believe now, in the middle of an insistent snow-and-freezing-rain slurry if you're in New York, or just hard-driving snow in the South and up and down the East Coast, or a face-biting freeze in Houston, New Orleans, and other cities not quite used to the tundra.

That quarter of a precious hour is coming, and after it will come a half of a precious hour, and then an hour, two hours, three hours until the day lasts until a glorious 9pm. It's coming, and it's on its way right now even. Believe it, wait for it, and wrap yourself up in layers and cheer in the meantime. It helps if you drink this delicious hot toddy too. 

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash.