"Guess What, You Just Magnified" This Family's Beautiful Daughter

During today's memorial service for Heather Heyer, the woman who bravely died while protesting a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, it was wrenching enough watching her father and her mother grapple with her tragic death. What's also tough—because it's nauseating, and not even all that unusual—is hearing Heyer described by certain sources as a "fat, childless 32-year-old" and a "drain on society."

These comments appeared this week on sites like the Daily Stormer (which Tumblr has thankfully taken down as of this writing) and World Today 365 (we'll avoid linking to any of them here). Here's one question: Is there any chance the idea that a 32-year-old woman's "childless" status is anyone's business but her own will start to lose traction finally, now that the white supremacists are publicly embracing that idea? There's no real ray of light in the horrific events of the past few days, but if comments like those lead to a collective rejection of the idea that "childless" is any kind of slur, it will be one tiny, tiny victory.