Let's Give Gwen Stefani and Her Pregnancy-or-Not a Break, Ok?


Presidential intrigues, climate catastrophes, high-level scandals everywhere we turn: Somehow no matter how explosive the headlines, they can't bump out spurious rumors about celebrity bumps. The "is she or isn't she pregnant?" stories are even more incessant when a celeb is in the no-spring-chicken category (exhibit A: The neverending baby-bump rumors that Jennifer Aniston has to deal with). Now the Internet is combusting over whether 47-year-old Gwen Stefani is or is not, or is about to get or not about to get, pregnant with Blake Shelton's baby. 

Yeah, Stefani is as photogenic as ever in her late 40s (rock on, Gwen), and yes, she's fun to gossip about, listen to, dress like, and what have you. But can we please leave her the hell alone on this issue? If she and Blake want to try to have a baby, via whatever method makes sense for them, you'd better believe they're well aware of potential challenges. So let's leave it at that, and cheer them on if they go for it, knowing they'd take every precaution to ensure the health of mother and baby.

We definitely don't need articles like this one, which goes on for six paragraphs about all the possible dangers before ending with this patronizing note: "It’s almost a guarantee, however, that she has already reviewed the risks with her doctor, so any Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton baby news will be a cause for celebration and not one for concern." Amen. NOW can we stop? 

Photo by Notxmyidea, via Wikimedia Commons.